Menu & Prices
Cuts & Styling
Color Menu
( Application of a single color on your roots)
( hide your greys with our cover 5 mens color)
( Application of a single color on your roots with Ammonia free hair dye)
( Tone your hair and make it shine. Apply over highlights to neutralize unwanted undertones or change your color.
( Lift your roots to go as bright as possible. There will be an extra charge for full bleaches & Toners )
( Need to say more? There might be an extra charge for the toner & treatments)
( D01’s favorite highlight. We love to cheat to keep highlights affordable and make it look like you had a full service. Toners & treatments are charged separated)
( D01’s full highlight. We love to highlights all the way. Take your time cause it will take a bit longer 🙂 Toners & treatments are charged separated)
( Strobing is there to make creative accentuations there where you want. Toners & treatments are charged separated)
( Go bold and beyond Toners & treatments are charged separated)
( Toner’s price depends on the amount of product used.)
( A single shot of Olaplex added to your color, highlight’s or toner)
* Starting price the final price is based on the time & product used.

D01 Salon
Tweede Nassaustraat
Tweede Nassaustraat 1
1052 BJ Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 26 02 333