What do I need to pay for my Hair Colour treatment

It is hard to tell you how much your colour treatment is going to cost without seeing you. Therefore we welcome you in one of our salons for a free consultation. The hairdresser decides how much work is involved, after seeing the hair. To give you a rough idea we can tell you the following: a balayage or highlight has a fixed price at D01 Salon, unless you have extremely long, or an enormous amount of hair – then we need more product, so the price rises. The normal price is €75,- for highlights and €95,- for balayage.
Balayage is slightly more expensive as we use more product and it’s more work to apply. We offer balayage and highlights with and without toners. Sometimes people like the colour as it is after lifting, some people like it ashy or like to add another hue. Now it starts to get a bit complicated: for finer hair a toner is €22,50 and for thicker hairtypes it is €45,-. The more product your hair needs, the more you have to pay. Also there are several different toners. So that makes a difference in the final price. In general it will never exceed the amount of €45,- for a toner. If we can use a colour correction toner from Maria Nila we will give you the remaining product so that you are able to refresh your colour at home. (To read more about Maria Nila toners you can click here.)
Also your colour treatment can be topped up with Olaplex. Olaplex is an amazing product that can be used to protect your hair during the colour process. Or after the colour treatment to condition the hair. Some people just like it in their highlights as this is usually the most damaging part of the treatment. But for the real Olaplex junkies, and people that like to take the best care for their hair, there is the option to have a double shot of Olaplex. Every shot will cost you €15,50. It will mean that if you like to get highlights with Olaplex you will pay €15,50. If you top it up with olaplex at the toner you will pay €31,- and in some cases with a double or tripple toner it can get up €46,50. All color services are without a haircut or blowdry. We like to give people the option to choose what they would like to use. So you can stay within your budget and still have that fabulous color. Or just go all the way and have your hair styled cut and shaped as you like. Prices for a cut are €62,50 for women and €47,50 for men.
(***no rights can be obtained from this blog – every situation can be different.)

D01 Salon
Tweede Nassaustraat
Tweede Nassaustraat 1
1052 BJ Amsterdam
+31 (0) 20 26 02 333